
As well as updating the config/code_distortion.adapt.php config settings, you can customise most settings inside each test-class. This gives you control over which settings to use per-test.


You may wish to share settings between similar tests by putting them in a trait or parent test-class.

PHPUnit Customisation

Add any of the following properties to your test-class as needed, to customise Adapt's behaviour.

// tests/Feature/MyFeatureTest.php

namespace Tests\Feature;

use CodeDistortion\Adapt\DatabaseDefinition;
use CodeDistortion\Adapt\AdaptDatabase;
use Tests\TestCase;

class MyFeatureTest extends TestCase
    use AdaptDatabase;

     * Turn database building on or off.
     * @var boolean
    protected bool $buildDatabases = true;

     * Specify which connection "default" should point to when your test runs.
     * @var string
    protected string $defaultConnection = 'mysql';

     * Specify custom sql-dump files to import before migrations run.
     * NOTE: initial_imports aren't available for SQLite :memory: databases.
     * @var array<string, string>|array<string, string[]>
    protected array $initialImports = [
        'mysql' => ['database/dumps/mysql/db.sql',],
        'pgsql' => ['database/dumps/pgsql/db.sql',],
        'sqlite' => ['database/dumps/sqlite/db.sqlite'], // SQLite files are simply copied

     * Runs your migrations. You can also specify a custom location.
     * @var boolean|string
    protected bool|string $migrations = true;
//    or
//    protected bool|string $migrations = 'database/other_migrations';

     * Specify which seeders to run.
     * NOTE: Seeders will only be run if initial-imports or migrations are run.
     * @var string|string[]
    protected string|array $seeders = 'DatabaseSeeder'; // or ''
//    or
//    protected string|array $seeders = ['DatabaseSeeder', …]; // or []

     * When browser-tests are being performed, transaction-based database
     * re-use needs to be disabled.
     * If you don't specify this value, Adapt will automatically
     * detect if a Dusk browser test is running.
     * @var boolean
    protected bool $isBrowserTest = true;

     * Reuse databases using a transaction.
     * @var boolean
    protected bool $transactions = true;

     * Reuse databases using journaling (MySQL only).
     * @var boolean
    protected bool $journals = true;

     * Take snapshots of the database for quick importing later. Snapshots will
     * only be taken when transactions and journaling aren't used, unless
     * the "!" prefix is added.
     * false
     * / 'afterMigrations' / 'afterSeeders' / 'both',
     * / '!afterMigrations' / '!afterSeeders' / '!both'.
     * @var string|boolean
    protected string|bool $snapshots = 'afterSeeders';

     * Adapt can be configured to use another installation of Adapt to
     * build databases instead of doing it itself.
     * NOTE: The other installation must be web-accessible to the this.
     * e.g. 'https://other-site.local/'
     * @var ?string
    protected ?string $remoteBuildUrl = null;

     * Overwrite the details of certain database connections with values from
     * others.
     * @var string
    protected string $remapConnections = 'mysql < sqlite';

     * Set up the database/s programmatically.
     * You may set up more test-databases by calling:
     * $this->prepareConnection(string $connection), and then altering its
     * settings.
     * Each $database object starts with the combined settings from the config,
     * and properties from this test-class.
     * @param DatabaseDefinition $database Used to create the "default"
     *                                     connection's database.
     * @return void
    protected function databaseInit(DatabaseDefinition $database): void
        $initialImports =  [
            'mysql' => ['database/dumps/mysql/db.sql'],
            'pgsql' => ['database/dumps/pgsql/db.sql'],
            'sqlite' => ['database/dumps/sqlite/db.sqlite'], // SQLite files are simply copied

        // the DatabaseDefinition $database is pre-configured to match your config settings
        // for the "default" database connection
        // you can override them with any of the following…
            ->connection('primary') // specify another connection to build a db for
            ->initialImports($initialImports) // or ->noInitialImports()
            ->migrations() // or ->migrations('database/other_migrations') or ->noMigrations()
            ->seeders(['DatabaseSeeder']) // or ->noSeeders()
            ->isABrowserTest() // or ->isNotABrowserTest()
            ->transaction() // or ->noTransaction()
            ->journal() // or ->noJournal()
            ->snapshots('!afterSeeders') // or ->noSnapshots()
            ->remoteBuildUrl('https://...') // or ->noRemoteBuildUrl()
            ->forceRebuild() // or ->dontForceRebuild()
            ->makeDefault(); // make the "default" Laravel connection point to this connection

        // you can create a database for another connection
        $connection = 'secondary';
        $database2 = $this->prepareConnection($connection);
            ->initialImports($initialImports); // or ->noInitialImports()
            // etc …

    // …


PEST Customisation

You can add custom settings to your PEST tests by creating a trait with the desired settings…

// tests/MyAdaptDatabase.php

namespace Tests;

use CodeDistortion\Adapt\AdaptDatabase;

trait MyAdaptDatabase
    use AdaptDatabase;

    protected string $seeders = ['DatabaseSeeder', 'ShoppingCartSeeder'];
    // etc as above in the PHPUnit customisation section…

and include it in your test:

// tests/Feature/MyFeatureTest.php

use App\User;
use Tests\MyAdaptDatabase;


beforeEach(fn () => factory(User::class)->create());

it('has users')->assertDatabaseHas('users', [
    'id' => 1,



You can add any of the properties listed above in the PHPUnit customisation section.